The Faces of Hepatitis C
You are a doctor or a nurse--You are a fifth grade grade teacher
Your skin is white or brown or black--you are Mecxican or Asian, Caucasian,or African American
You are very old, have grandchildren,near the end of your golden years
You are middle-aged--children grown and gone-ready to "enjoy" your life --
You are a young mother with a small child-a young father trying to provide for his family--
You are a teenager--waiting for proms,boy or girlfriends, your first kiss dreaming of college and a car of your own--
You are a newborn lying in your mother's arms
YOU are the Faces of Hepatitis C
I may not recognize you as you pass me on the street or in the store where I shop or the church where I worship, but you are there
The Faces of Hepatitis C
My heart cries out for you,for what fate has given you--it was not your fault--it was just meant to be
My heart swells with pride for you--your courage,your faith—you have been asked to keep going when others would have given up
You wait anxiously for another loving person to give you the "The Gift of Life"
The gift of their own liver at the end of THEIR life. I am filled with love for each of you--my brother--my sister and those I have met and those I will never know--
You see--I am one of those faces
The faces of Hepatitis
Given by God...written by Selles Dole
Selles lost her battle with HCV November 29, 2008
May You Always Sleep In The Arms Of Angels
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