All links will open into a new window taking you to the NATAP website
- EASL: The efficacy and safety of
the interferon-free combination of BI 201335 and BI 207127 in genotype 1 HCV
patients with cirrhosis: Interim analysis from SOUND-C2 - (04/20/12)
- EASL: GS-7977 + PEG/RBV in HCV
Genotype 1: The ATOMIC Trial An End To Response-Guided Therapy -
- EASL: GS-7977 Phase 2 Trials:
Concordance of SVR4 with SVR12 and SVR24 in HCV Genotypes 1-3 -
- EASL: Peginterferon Lambda-1A
(Lambda) Compared With Peginterferon Alfa-2A (Alfa) in Treatment- Naive Patients
With HCV Genotypes 2 or 3: First SVR24 Results From EMERGE Phase IIb -
- EASL: Dual Oral Therapy with NS5A
Inhibitor Daclatasvir (BMS-790052) and NS3 Protease Inhibitor Asunaprevir
(BMS-650032) in HCV Genotype 1b-Infected Null Responders or Patients
Ineligible/Intolerant to Peginterferon/Ribavirin - (04/19/12)
- EASL: TMC435 with peginterferon
and ribavirin in treatment-experienced HCV genotype 1 patients: the ASPIRE
study, a randomised Phase IIb trial - (04/19/12)
- EASL: TMC435 in patients infected
with HCV genotype 1 who have failed previous pegylated interferon / ribavirin
treatment: Virologic analyses of the ASPIRE trial - (04/19/12)
- EASL: Potent Viral Suppression
With the All-Oral Combination of Daclatasvir (NS5A Inhibitor) and GS-7977
(Nucleotide NS5B Inhibitor), +/- Ribavirin, in Treatment-Naive Patients With
Chronic HCV GT1, 2, or 3 (100% SVR gt1, 91% gt2) - (04/19/12)
- EASL: A 12-Week Interferon-Free
Regimen of ABT-450/r, ABT-072, and Ribavirin was Well Tolerated and Achieved
Sustained Virologic Response in 91% Treatment-Naïve HCV IL28B-CC
Genotype-1-Infected Subjects - (04/19/12)
- EASL: All-Oral Combination of
Investigational Hepatitis C (HCV) Compounds Daclatasvir and GS-7977 Achieved
Sustained Virologic Response (SVR4) in 100% of Genotype 1 and 91% of Genotype 2
and 3 Treatment-Naïve Patients in Phase II Study - press release -
- EASL: Gilead Announces Early
Sustained Virologic Response Rates for GS-7977 Plus Ribavirin in Genotype 1
Treatment-Naïve Hepatitis C Patients - press release - (04/19/12)
- EASL: Gilead Announces Sustained
Virologic Response Data for 12-Week Regimen of GS-7977 Plus Pegylated Interferon
and Ribavirin in Genotype 1 Hepatitis C Patients - press release -
- EASL: Gilead Announces Early
Sustained Virologic Response Rates for GS-7977 Plus Ribavirin in Genotype 1
Treatment-Naïve Hepatitis C Patients - press release - (04/19/12)
- EASL: Viral cure achieved without
interferon in up to 82% of hepatitis C patients (GT-1a & -1b*): protease
inhibitor BI 201335 and the polymerase inhibitor BI 207127, both with and
without ribavirin (Boerhinger Ingelheim) - press release - (04/19/12)
- EASL: First ever data
investigating interferon-free treatment in hepatitis C patients who have liver
cirrhosis shows high viral cure rate: protease inhibitor BI 201335 plus the
polymerase inhibitor BI 207127 plus ribavirin (Boerhinger Ingelheim) -
- EASL: Confirmation That Quadruple
Therapy With Daclatasvir (NS5A Inhibitor), Asunaprevir (NS3 Inhibitor) and
Peginterferon/Ribavirin Results in a High Rate of SVR4 in HCV Genotype 1 Null
Responders - (04/19/12)
- EASL: Abbott Presents Positive
Results from Interferon-Free Phase 2 "Co-Pilot" Study for the Treatment of
Hepatitis C - Press Release - (04/19/12)
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